Page Speed Optimization Checklist: Load Your Site Under 3 Seconds

According to Google, the performance of a website is a key ranking factor and the  number one reason why people leave your website. With that being said, Google advises that having a fast loading website is one of the  most important ways to increase traffic and traffic to your website. However, Google also says that one of the biggest issues that companies and website owners have is with the speed of their website. How to make a website fast? What are the best ways to do it? How do I know if my site is fast? What other things can I do to speed up my website? What is the best way to do it? How will it affect my site’s ranking?

Page speed is one of the most important factors for driving users to your site. With a promising ad on the home page, you may think that having a fast site will be enough for a click, but you will be in for a surprise when users land on your page. Instead, prepare each element of your site with the ultimate speed in mind, and you will be one step ahead of Google’s algorithm.

You can make the most money by serving your visitors the fastest website possible, but the path to faster loading pages can be a slightly different one for every website.

Let’s start with some facts. 

  • The bounce rate rises with each additional second it takes for your website to load.
  • With the May 2024 upgrade, Google will place a greater focus on Core Web Vitals for SERP rankings. Site load speed is one of the most important Web Vitals. 
  • According to a survey, 79 percent of buyers will not buy from a site again if the web performance (mainly load speed) has disappointed them.
  • URLs should load in three seconds or less, according to website visitors.
  • According to Crazyegg’s research, a one-second increase in page load speed boosts conversions by 7%. A one-second delay resulted in an 11% reduction in page views.
  • Google Adwords Quality Score is also impacted by slow page load times. As a result, a slow site equals a greater cost per click.

It isn’t necessary to go the additional mile when it comes to page speed optimization. 

It is urgently required. 

On my website, I have a lot of media.

My website has a lot of code.

Will I have to get rid of everything?

Websites that load quickly aren’t boring, drab, or basic. Your site might have all the bells and whistles and still load in under three seconds. 

What’s the secret? 

This is a page speed optimization checklist. 

Note that some of the elements on the checklist will necessitate the use of expert SEO services. Newbie webmasters should avoid tinkering with the backend codes and processes.

Checklist for Page Speed Optimization: Your Speed Booster

  1. Maintain the speed of your website. Fast Platform and Hosting Right Out of the Box

A website builder or CMS that is already optimized for fast load times is unquestionably preferable to one that isn’t. If your website is built on a speedier platform out of the box, it will load faster by default. 

In addition, your hosting service provider should be able to handle the volume of visitors on your site without sacrificing speed. Before you sign up for a hosting package, be sure you know how much bandwidth, storage, and uptime you’ll get. 

  1. Use a Content Distribution/Delivery Network (CDN)

Isn’t it true that your website may attract people from all over the world? 

It stands to reason that visitors who are closer to your data centers will have faster load times. Those who live further away will have to wait longer.

You can employ distributed data centers using a CDN. This improves page load times for visitors from all over the world.

Your Russian visitors won’t have to wait for information from the United States’ data centers. Local data centers would provide them almost instantly. 

  1. With Google Tag Manager, you can improve tracking.

Both SEO and SEM rely heavily on tracking data. Without adequate tracking, your digital marketing plan is incomplete. You do this by incorporating several types of codes into your website. 

All of these codes add to the loading time. (Obviously, because each piece of code must be loaded separately.) Your goal should be to reduce the amount of code on the website and the time it takes to load it.

Should I then call it a day on my tracking?

Certainly not. Instead, use Google Tag Manager. With GTM, you can add tracking for numerous events and parameters with a single code. 

  1. Scripts that are blocking the parser should be fixed.

HTML parsing is a process that all webmasters, even those who aren’t code ninjas, are familiar with. Javascript codes can sometimes obstruct the processing process. As a result, the site is slowing down. 

It occurs not as a result of the code itself, but rather as a result of how it is produced. To streamline and optimize site load time, you should have your IT team fix these parser blocking scripts. 

  1. Use Pop-Ups Only When Necessary

It’s fast to be able to view stuff with pop-ups without having to navigate to a new page, right?

No, not at all. Pop-up pages must use information from the source pages to function. This causes the page to load more slowly.

What is the solution?

While you can’t completely avoid pop-ups, it’s a good idea to minimize how much you use them. Remove any unneeded pop-ups that can be replaced with alternatives that load faster.

  1. Thumbnail Images Should Be Smaller

On your homepage, do you have a carousel of best-selling products?

A slideshow of your most recent completed projects?

Isn’t it true that the carousel displays thumbnails of actual images from the source?

Your website is being slowed down as a result of this. Too-large thumbnail photos aren’t going to help you. To boost speed, it is best to reduce their size.

  1. With Caution, Use Homepage Hero Slides

Hero slides are one of the best ways to showcase your products on the site. Even four to five slides, however, might drastically slow down your page load time. 

As a result, it’s better to employ them only when absolutely necessary.

  1. Images should be compressed and optimized.

This is arguably the simplest and most effective way to improve the speed of your website.

Images that have been compressed load faster. It’s also a good idea to use compression tools if you’re using several photos on your pages. Good compression software also ensures that image quality is preserved.

  1. Remove any plugins or apps that aren’t in use.

Remove the plugin or app if you no longer require it. Make sure you delete the plugins you don’t need if you added many plugins to try them out. 

Also, instead of dedicated plugins/apps for each functionality, seek for multifunctional ones. 

  1. On your website, use Lite Embeds for videos.

When you add a video to a page, the complete movie is loaded by default as the page loads. This increases the time it takes for the page to load. 

The video thumbnail can be displayed with lite embeds. And only when the visitor clicks on the thumbnail will the full movie load. 

  1. With minification, you can get rid of any unnecessary code.

Minification is the process of reducing code size by deleting unnecessary or redundant code blocks.

You’re losing rankings and conversions due to slow page load speed if your web development team isn’t already employing minification. 

  1. Reduce the number of redirects 

Yes, redirects are beneficial for passing SEO and link juice from old to new pages. They do, however, take longer to load the final page. As a result, make sure you reduce the number of redirects you use. 

  1. Remove any links that are broken.

Links that are broken are worthless. When fetched, they return empty-handed, but it still takes longer to load. Use a broken link checker and fix all broken links as soon as possible. 

  1. Use a Caching Plugin in Your Browser

Isn’t it true that your header, footer, logo, and certain text are consistent across all pages? They aren’t required to be loaded every time a visitor navigates from one page to the next. 

W3 Total Cache and other browser caching plugins help load these pages faster by leveraging the browser cache.

  1. Wherever possible, combine files to reduce HTTP requests.

To fetch and load each file on your page, you’ll need to make a separate HTTP request. Obviously, bigger files mean more HTTP requests and longer load times. 

If you combine your files into one, you’ll only have to make one HTTP request. This would result in a faster website load time.

  1. Improve Your Rendering Process

The way a page is produced has an impact on how long it takes to load. If your page renders text first, then images and media files, the time it takes for the first meaningful look will be reduced. People can begin reading while waiting for your photographs to load. 

  1. Lazy Load should be enabled.

You can utilize lazy load to load photos below the fold later, as they come into view, similar to how you can optimize the rendering process. 

Lazy load plugins make it easier to load pages with a lot of photos below the fold. 

  1. With AMP, you can test and optimize mobile performance.



When it comes to mobile load times, Google’s AMP technology is a lifesaver. People expect mobile web sites to load even faster than desktop pages. (In less than two seconds.)

Remove elements that don’t load well on mobile and use AMP to speed up the loading process. Continue to test the load speed with tools such as PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix, and others. 

Get Lightning-Quick Page Loading Speed Right Now!

This checklist should put you in the right path for making the modifications that will allow your site to load in under three seconds.

However, professionals will be required for the real implementation. 

You can either try your hand at it or hire someone to do it for you (and risk blowing up some elements, if not your entire website).

You might also hire a professional SEO firm like Uplers to do the work for you. Uplers’ team of SEO and digital marketing specialists will fix your site as quickly as you want it to be while loading. 



Their knowledge, talent, tact, and arsenal of tools will assist them achieve not only faster load speeds but also faster conversions. Contact them right now to accelerate the loading time of your website and your ascension to the top.

Page speed optimization is not just about loading pages faster, but about ensuring that your pages load fast enough for the users to enjoy the experience. Many people confuse page speed with speed of the site, and as such, they don’t understand what they need to do to improve their sites speed. This article is a guide to help you understand what page speed refers to, how to measure it and how to keep your pages fast.. Read more about website speed optimization and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”What would you do to ensure that your page loads in a few seconds?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Use less images, content purely written without images, cache your pages, use your own website hosting and optimize your site from the byte-code.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How can I speed up my website load time?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Try downloading utilities such as Optimize Studio but be warned, they tend to use a lot of unnecessary processing power. Use light-weight plugins or themes rather than stock WordPress templates. Another option is to install a responsive mobile theme or a plugin if you own a mobile device.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”How many seconds should a website take to load?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:” Milliseconds vary depending on many factors: how big the website is, browser speed, etc. On average, it takes about one second for a website to fully load.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

What would you do to ensure that your page loads in a few seconds?

Use less images, content purely written without images, cache your pages, use your own website hosting and optimize your site from the byte-code.

How can I speed up my website load time?

Try downloading utilities such as Optimize Studio but be warned, they tend to use a lot of unnecessary processing power. Use light-weight plugins or themes rather than stock WordPress templates. Another option is to install a responsive mobile theme or a plugin if you own a mobile device.

How many seconds should a website take to load?

Milliseconds vary depending on many factors: how big the website is, browser speed, etc. On average, it takes about one second for a website to fully load.

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