
Understanding Shiatsu Massage – Traditional Japanese Therapy

Embark on a journey into the ancient art of Shiatsu massage, a traditional Japanese therapy that has been practiced for centuries. Rooted in the principles of holistic healing and balance, Shiatsu massage offers a unique approach to relaxation and wellness. By applying pressure to specific points on the body, Shiatsu practitioners aim to release tension, promote circulation, and support the body’s natural healing process. This therapeutic technique is not only a soothing experience but also a powerful tool for restoring …

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Why Is Walking An Underrated Exercise? 

There are many things in life that we take for granted. A growing body of evidence shows that walking is one of them. Because we walk every day, without any obvious health benefits, walking is not taken seriously as a form of exercise. If your exercise program doesn’t tire you out and make you sweat, it’s not effective, right? Wrong. Studies have shown that walking as little as 10-30 minutes a day could extend your lifespan. Health professionals think we should take …

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